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For the Love of Magic Page 13

  Pulling him back toward the fire, Maeve warned him, “Don’t be surprised if it works. Don’t be upset when it doesn’t work in the exact way you imagined.”

  A very fit, very tall woman walked toward the Mothers and all attendants’ attention turned to her as she took her place. “Happy Midwinter,” the tall woman declared. “It’s time to decorate the wishing tree.” Children gathered around her and she asked them, “Who knows why we do this?”

  The two girls who had been so attentive to Alisha said, in near unison, “For the animals to eat.”

  The officiant grinned at them. “That’s right, girls. But why now, why in Midwinter?”

  A young boy of about ten said, “Mother Earth puts fruits and nuts on the trees in summer for all of her creatures. We do it in winter when She can’t.”

  The leader’s reaction to his correct answer was very different than the one she’d had to the little girls. She smiled but the expression didn’t reach her eyes. It was clear to Aaron that she was forcing the pleasant visage. The question he had was, why? She gave him no praise even though his answer was much more sophisticated than theirs.

  She continued, “We can enjoy seeing the animals and birds eat our decorations, because their activity on the wishing tree reminds us that life continues and the circle is never ending.” She raised a cake tied with red ribbon, placing it on a lower branch of the massive and gnarled tree. “The seasons change and winter’s not forever. Everyday after today will be longer than the one before. Plants’ll grow and animals’ll thrive with the lengthening of the sunlight. Mother Earth is like those popcorn kernels, cold, hard and seemingly lifeless. Add heat and pop, the life comes bursting out. She looks dead, but holds life inside, just waiting for the sun’s heat to bring it out. The world’s not dead, just asleep.”

  The children ran to the tables then, grabbing whatever they could carry. Pride etched in their faces, they handed out the edible ornaments. Maeve snagged them a couple to add to the tree. Marcie waved her over once they got close enough. “Maeve, I’m starving. The baby’s only a few centimeters long, how can it need so much food? Do you have any more of those pastries left?”

  Maeve reached into her bag,”I think so, Marcie. I stuffed about thirty in there. Yea, here you go.” Maeve gave a handful of little gifts to the green-clad mother-to-be.

  When Marcie reached out to take them, bruising and bandages peeked out from the edges of her robes. Shocked, Aaron eyed the beefy man standing over her. Surely the Daughters wouldn’t tolerate a man who brutalized women. Maybe that was the real reason Maeve had invited him there, she knew how he’d react. As they walked away he asked, “Did he do that to her?”

  “No,” she responded immediately. Maeve stopped walking. “Tank is her mate, he could never hurt her.”

  “Yeah,” he retorted, “because husbands never hurt their wives.”

  Maeve shook her head, frowning. “She was abducted, attacked. That’s why Tank is being so protective, so attentive. He may never forgive himself for letting her get taken.” She paused, biting the inside of her cheek, clearly weighing something, deciding if she could trust him. “They aren’t just married. They are perfect for each other in every way.” She sighed then admitted, “Tank and Marcie are one of my matches.”

  Her hesitation had been born of her regard for him. Setting his mug on the ground, he used his now empty hand to lift her chin. She met his eyes. “I don’t care about who you’ve had sex with. I care about right now, and right now you are with me.” He kissed her chastely, but allowed Maeve to advance the passion contained therein. Before he knew it, they were pawing at each other, desperately trying to be closer.

  She pulled away from him only when someone nearby coughed pointedly. “Happy Solstice, Nathalia!” Maeve exclaimed as she threw her arms around the athletic woman who had explained about the ceremony. She looked over Maeve’s shoulder at Aaron during the hug and the agitation of seeing them kiss was written all over her face. Maeve stepped back and gestured to Aaron, “Abbess, this is Aaron. Aaron, this is the Abbess Nathalia.”

  They shook hands, but it was stiff and she pulled her hand out his as soon as it was socially decent. Aaron imagined she would have wiped his cooties off on her pants if Maeve hadn’t been looking. He wondered what he had done that was so offensive. It couldn’t just be his penis making her uneasy. It wasn’t that big. Then again the boys who’d answered her questioning were nonthreatening and she’d treated them in much the same way. Maybe if he hadn’t seen that interaction he wouldn’t understand. The Abbess didn’t like him, but it wasn’t personal. She had a problem with all males.

  As they stood staring, measuring each other, a stunningly beautiful blonde in a form fitting sweater put her hand in Nathalia’s. Aaron glanced at Maeve and saw her eyes widen. “Christy?” she asked, incredulously.

  The girl said, “Happy Solstice Maeve. Sorry I was so silent the other night.”

  Maeve shook her head. “You don’t have to apologize. I’m glad you could make it for the party.”

  “Me too. It could have ended a lot worse for me if you and your friend hadn’t stepped in to stop my boyfriend.” She looked down at the ground, shuffling so that she was partially hidden behind Nathalia. “I’m sorry about the other night. Those guys can be nasty when the mood strikes them.”

  She was acting like it was her fault, like he’d just caught her boyfriend on a bad night. Aaron should have expected that behavior but it angered him. That asshole hadn’t just abused her; he’d screwed up her view of the world, her self respect. He hoped she was getting some counseling. He didn’t really know what to say to her so he just nodded.

  “Abbess,” someone called and Christy jumped.

  She whispered, “Libby wanted you, Nathalia. It’s why I came over but I got...distracted.” Her eyes flitted to Aaron for a split second before focusing back on her feet.

  As the two women made their exit, Maeve said, “Maybe she’s the one. Maybe you met me so that we could save her. Maybe you were destined to be together.” She didn’t sound sure, not with so many maybes in there. “You didn’t say one word to her, just stared dumbfounded at her beauty.”

  Aaron furrowed his brows. This was getting old. What was it going to take to convince Maeve that she was the only woman he was interested in. “I was thinking about how screwed up she was, not admiring her body. I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to say the wrong thing and mess up any progress she may have made.” He sighed, looking straight into Maeve’s eyes. “I’ve been pretty clear about who I think is the one I’m destined for.”

  ONCE THE formalities of the celebration were over, it turned into an enjoyable relaxed party. Around ten pm, the children’s sugar-high wore off and they were shuffled off to bed. With the exception of Nathalia, everyone welcomed Aaron. He had taken all of the religious stuff in stride, as foreign as it was, and Maeve found herself thinking how easily he could step into life here. Too bad her story wouldn’t end that way, with a prince and a happily ever after.

  Maeve did what she always did when her vows got to be too much for her. She danced, banishing her sorrow at what was about to happen with the physical joy of movement. The bonfire went from blazing yellow to a deep radiant red that gave off less light but significantly more heat.

  “The fire’ll be tended all night; it started burning before the sun set and it’ll continue until well after dawn.” She shed her coat, and Aaron’s jaw dropped. Tossing it over a nearby lawn chair, she continued as if she hadn’t noticed Aaron’s reaction. “The light and warmth are meant to remind us that no matter how bleak the night looks or how long it lasts, the sun will always rise again.”

  Maeve knew how to play to her strengths. Her blue catsuit accentuated her figure, from the straps of the square-necked halter top, all the way down to the flared legs. Her high ponytail trailed down long and thick, without blocking the view of her skin. Her under-bust corset stayed hidden but its effect was definitive.

  Aaron s
aid, “I love…it. You’re a goddess and tonight I’m going to worship at your alter until you beg me to stop.”

  Maeve allowed Aaron to take her into his arms. They swayed to nonexistent music. He made her knees feel week. Holding her up, he pulled her toward his mouth. Maeve let him. Aaron kissed her, and all other thoughts vanished. How was she going to concentrate and cast the complex matchmaking spell when he could numb her beyond reasoning with just a kiss? Fear swelled within when he pulled away.

  Instantly the Guardian’s massive chest was a wall beside them. “May I?” he asked.

  Aaron responded, “Maeve’s spoken for tonight. Find your own partner.”

  “That is precisely what I am attempting,” growled the giant.

  His voice rumbled like thunder, making Maeve’s head throb. She ignored the rising pain and hypnotic quality of his voice and said, “Can you give us a minute, Aaron?”

  He didn’t say anything but stared at her, questioning her sincerity with his gaze.

  Maeve assured him, “I’ll be fine, but I could use some water.”

  Aaron left, reluctantly, it seemed, and headed toward the snack table. The Guardian took her hand as soon as Aaron was gone and turned it over. Turning them away from the crowd, he kissed her inner wrist. Her pulse jumped and she could feel the surge of power transfer. She closed her eyes and let it happen. It was the quickest way to get rid of him.

  “Is everything okay, Maeve?” Aaron’s voice snapped her back to reality.

  Maeve snatched her hand back. “Yes, everything’s fine.” Maeve answered in a terse tone, her narrowed eyes on the Guardian. “He was just leaving.”

  The Guardian bowed in his Old World custom, but this time Maeve found it more irritating than charming. It was as if he didn’t have to do what she said, but he would. He backed away and disappeared into a nearby wooded area.

  “Who was that guy?” Aaron stared after him.

  “He’s my Guardian, a sort of bodyguard.”

  “It’s more than that.” Aaron argued without sounding upset. “It seemed intimate. Your face was flush and had the look of a woman on the edge of orgasm.” He brushed a stray strand of hair off her face and tucked it back into her ponytail. “Should I be worried?”

  “He’s wearing monk robes for Goddess’ sake!” she joked, knowing what it must look like but not wanting to explain. She couldn’t exactly tell him that the Guardian was providing additional power for her to work her matchmaking on Aaron when Aaron was set on her not casting her greater magic.

  Gripping her ponytail at her scalp, he tugged her head back, forcing her to look at him. He spoke softly but with passion against her lips, “Can I expect him to bust through my front door when I make you scream out my name?”

  Maeve sputtered at the unexpected turn in conversation. “He won’t interrupt us again,” she promised.

  “Good.” He planted a firm peck on her lips. “You wanna get outta here?”

  Maeve nodded. “Are you hungry?”

  Aaron nodded and smiled that sly wolfish grin that made her pulse race. “Just for you, Maeve.”

  Aaron’s Mustang couldn’t have been fast enough for either of them. Maeve hadn’t stopped touching him since they left the celebration and Aaron, unlike every time before, allowed it.

  When they got onto the freeway, she slid over and straddled the gearshift. Aaron shifted it into fourth gear, pressing the vibrating knob against her. He knew what it could do for a girl as orgasmic as Maeve.

  Shifting her weight forward against the gearshift, Maeve slipped her left arm over Aaron’s shoulder. She crushed her breasts against his right arm as she put her mouth against his ear. She nibbled his lobe, tickling his neck with her soft moans and sighs. She reached down to assure herself he was enjoying this as much as she was.

  Maeve felt her climax rising. She could probably do the matchmaking right now, but working a spell around a gearshift-induced orgasm might call a mate who was more interested in Aaron’s vintage muscle car than him. Maeve concentrated on the road. The danger of a miscast was enough to suppress her magic as the warm tingling started in her core.

  The orgasm radiated out of her extremities: good, easily attained, but unsatisfying. It was a prep kind that made her desperate for a cock deep inside her. In a throaty, intoxicated voice, she said, “I want you naked and on top of me. I can’t wait much longer.”

  He shifted forward into third. “You won’t have to.”

  He took the next exit way too fast. She slid back into her own seat. They pulled into his condominium’s parking lot and parked in his private covered spot.

  Aaron cut the engine, undid his seatbelt, and leaned across Maeve to unlock her door. He kissed her hard on the mouth then grabbed her chin, forcing her to see his hunger. “When we get upstairs, I am gonna fuck you long and hard. Is that what you want?”

  His forceful speech put Maeve into a frenzy. It was just what she wanted to hear and sent a rush of liquid heat to her loins.

  She started to answer him, but he interrupted her. “For the next few hours, the only words I want to hear come out of your mouth are ‘yes,’ ‘no,’ ‘please,’ and ‘Aaron.’ Understand?”

  She wanted the aggressor, and tonight she was going to get it. This was going to be fun. “Yes, sir. Aaron.”

  “Sir’s a good addition to your list of acceptable words. You can keep using it, too. You may think it’s lucky that you don’t have a refractory period, but tonight you’re going to thank the heavens that men do.”

  As Maeve got out of the car, her knees wobbled with anticipation. Maybe she’d let Aaron get to know her a little too well. He knew exactly what to say to keep her mind on the physical and away from the magical. Maeve worried that she might not be able to work her spells.

  As they climbed the steps to his second story condo hand in hand, Maeve started to get anxious. What lay waiting for her behind that door? Could it be the failure Jolie foretold or something worse?

  THE DOOR was barely locked before they were tearing at each other’s clothes. Maeve backed Aaron against his entryway wall. Pulling his shirt over his head and revealing his heart-shaped pattern of chest hair, she kissed him as if they could be interrupted at any minute. He spun her back against the wall, kissing back.

  His mouth unyielding and voracious, he thrust his tongue through her soft and pliant lips. She met it with her own tongue, searching and finding.

  Maeve wrapped one leg around his, sliding her foot up and down his calf. Aaron had her small waist clamped with his hands, but those hands were soon exploring. He ran one down over her hip and buttocks of the leg she had wrapped around him. His other hand fondled her right breast through the material of her cat suit.

  Aaron moved his hands slowly up, allowing his thumbs to graze her breasts, feeling her erect nipples through the fabric of her catsuit. He rotated his hands on her generous mounds. Tracing the inside edge of her neckline, his hands traveled from cleavage, up past her clavicles and around her neck to the hook and fastener.

  He undid the fastenings, but the outfit was so formfitting that he had to peel it down off her. She wore no bra or panties, only a corset. He took the catsuit to the ground, having her step out of each leg. He paused on his knees.

  “Put your hands over your head and keep them there.”

  Maeve obeyed. It was so damn hot the way he told her what to do. He pushed her thighs wide apart. She gasped at the sudden exposure, but didn’t move her hands from over her head.

  “You have a really pretty pussy.” He pressed his lips against the smooth skin of her completely waxed mons pubis, inhaling.

  Aaron stood up slowly. Achingly slow to Maeve’s mind. He smiled and went in for a kiss, but before their lips touched he stopped and said softly, “Too bad I’m gonna treat it so roughly tonight.”

  Aaron hit every one of Maeve’s triggers. As Vinculum Primo, one-night-stands never allowed her partners to figure out what really turned her on. Aaron skipped over the polite first-time sex a
nd got straight to what she’d been wanting since the first night they met. A nerd with a sexy secret, a wolf in sheep’s wool? Aaron looked at her like he wanted to consume her.

  “Get on your knees and open your mouth.”

  Maeve obeyed, sliding down the wall, keeping her hands above her head. She knelt there, looking up at him with her lips parted, and waited for his next instructions.

  He undid his belt, pulled it out of the loops, and slid it across the tiled floor. He unzipped the fly of his jeans, but made no move to take them off. Rather he tenderly touched her upturned face, running his thumb across a sculptured eyebrow, down her cheek and over her plump bottom lip.

  She jutted her tongue out to meet his thumb. Seeing his stimulation at her action, she parted her lips a little wider and kissed the end of his thumb. “Please,” she whispered. “Please, Aaron, yes.”

  He pushed his thumb into her mouth and opened it wider, forcing her jaw open with one hand, and pulled out his dick with the other. He rubbed the smooth tip along the same path his thumb had followed, her eyebrow, cheek and lower lip. He put himself inside her mouth and removed his thumb, moving one hand to the top of her head and pushed it gently against the wall. The other hand locked her wrists in their place above her head. He pushed his hips forward.

  Maeve tried to keep her throat open but each thrust brought him against the natural resistance of her esophagus. Moving his hips slowly, he went in her mouth as far as possible before pulling back out. He leaned forward, resting his head and forearms against the wall above her, releasing her hands.

  Keeping her hands above her head, she combed through his chest hair with her fingers. His slow strokes were setting her ablaze. Before now, giving head was just something she did, but this was different. The way Aaron had total control made this really sexy. She quivered with excitement as he picked up the pace.