For the Love of Magic Page 16
Aaron never even looked over at Star. Sleeping with some club kid wasn’t “getting lucky.” But maybe Lucas had a point. He was coming off too desperate. If he and Maeve were meant for each other, she’d come to him. Wasn’t that how the saying about loving someone and setting them free went? Aaron absentmindedly rubbed his chest with the heel of his hand. He wasn’t sure he could resist the urge to go to her for much longer.
“Yeah, Aaron and I are at Heaven. He’s great, never better. He’s flirting with Star right now. Looks like he’s taking her home too. Really? Wow, man, congratulations. I’ll tell everybody I see. Okay, so we’ll see you later, hey, and don’t think because you aren’t sleeping at home that you don’t owe rent! Love you too man. Later.” Lucas shoved the cell in the same pocket as Aaron’s keys. He clapped Aaron on the shoulder and said, “JD and Jolie are getting married!”
Aaron hit the hand away and swiveled his bar stool toward Lucas. “Why’d you tell him I was going home with a girl?”
Lucas shrugged and rolled his eyes. “I’m going to get Becca and we’ll drop you off on our way home. Meet us at the car in fifteen minutes.” Lucas didn’t wait for Aaron to agree before walking off down toward the dance floor level where his girl-de-jour was dancing.
“So, you finally slept with Maeve, huh?” Rob the bartender leaned over, resting his forearms on the bar in front of Aaron. “An impossible task—resisting a girl like that, but you made it longer than anyone I know. At least tell me it was worth it. I hear she’s a real pro in the sack.”
“Look, Rob, you don’t know anything about Maeve.”
Rob scoffed and said, “I know enough. Maeve sleeps around but only once per dick. Tough break, man. Can I get you anything stronger?”
“Yeah, how about an ice cold glass of ‘shut the fuck up.’ Rob, I’m serious. Get the hell away from me.”
Rob threw up his hands in mock surrender and backed away. He jogged off to answer a wave down the bar a bit. Aaron knew he’d be back, though. He was the kind of guy who couldn’t take a hint. He thought everything was a joke.
The stranger on the other side of Aaron leaned over toward him, close enough that Aaron could smell the liquor on his breath. “Look man, the bartender’s a douche. He doesn’t know shit about the sisterhood either. Maeve is the Vinculum Primo, right?” When Aaron nodded, he continued, “Yea, my girl’s a Primo too so I know a little about your situation. I feel a little more justified in offering some unsolicited advice. You can take it or leave it, but here it is: Be assertive and strong. Women like the Daughters need strong men. They need someone to back them against the wall and tell them how it’s going to be.”
Aaron almost did a spit take, but managed to keep his watered-down Diet Coke within his mouth. This guy did know his stuff. “I did that. I did things with her I’d be ashamed to tell anyone about.” Aaron couldn’t believe he was telling these things to a stranger when he had just told someone else to fuck off when they asked. What was it about him that made Aaron feel comfortable talking?
The stranger raised his eyebrows and then smiled. He looked as if he were impressed by what Aaron had just told him. He took a business card out of his pocket and slid it over to Aaron. “I can help you gain control of your…situation. I know it’s not what you want to hear about the woman you love, but she’s probably told you a lot of lies. If you are interested in the truth, give me a call.”
Aaron turned the card over in his hand. There was no name, no address, nothing but a phone number.
As if sensing his hesitation, the stranger added, “If you’re thinking about just waiting here night after night to talk to her you are gonna be sadly disappointed. The Abbess has them on lockdown. Maeve is the only one being let out, but her mate’s always with her.” He gestured to the bartender for another round as Aaron stared at him in disbelief.
Rob made his way back over with a smug look, like he knew they would include him eventually. He filled the man’s order and then stood there waiting.
“What do you mean, Maeve’s mate? Who are you talking about?”
“You’ve seen him dozens of times. Really big guy, hard to describe, tan and usually barefoot.”
Rob jumped in, “Yea, now that you mention him, I remember. Whenever Maeve’s here lately he’s somewhere nearby. He’s usually in the shadows, but sometimes he touches her and she looks like she is going to cream her pants.”
Aaron had seen the look of ecstasy on her face when the tall, tan man had his hands and lips on her. “I think I told you to get the hell away from me, Rob.”
“Look Aaron, this’s my bar post for the next three hours. I’m not going anywhere. You’re welcome to move your ass or I can call the muscle over here to help you move it.”
Aaron would have torn Rob’s multi-pierced ear right off his head, if the stranger hadn’t grabbed his arm and pulled him toward a couch. Aaron went with him. He needed to hear more about Maeve.
When they were out of Rob’s earshot, Aaron asked, “So they’re a matched pair? Maeve and the golden god?”
“Not exactly, but they’re linked in a definite way. They’re always together and she carries his child.”
Aaron felt lightheaded as the blood drained from his face. Could it be true? He thought about how the Guardian had barged into his condo and ushered Maeve away as if he had every right to her. The giant had looked very protective and Maeve had sagged against him as they left. She’d ignored Aaron’s questions and pleading.
“It won’t be easy to get her away from him, but you still have a chance with Maeve.” He gestured to a shot girl, purchasing two and quickly dismissing her. “Here, take this. It’ll help get you your color back.”
The man handed him a shot of something that smelled like bourbon. What the hell, he wasn’t driving. Aaron threw it back and the burn was just the thing to get his mind off Maeve. The stranger gave him the other shot he’d purchased and Aaron downed that too.
“You need to get out to your friend. He’s waiting. But one more thing I have to warn you against before you leave: Don’t confront Maeve’s mate. It won’t work. She’s probably told you that men can’t work magic, but that’s a lie. A few can. He’s one of the few. He could make you forget everything. But, you, Aaron, can work magic too. Let the voice on the other end of that phone number guide you.”
As Aaron stood to go, the crowd went wild, rushing down the stairs, pulling him with them. He allowed himself to be carried away as the deejay announced Maeve’s arrival on the dance floor.
MICHAEL SAT for a while longer savoring his drink. He noted that the room was spinning a little bit and he smiled at his drink before noticing that Rob was still standing there looking across the bar at him. He looked at the bartender and the man actually pumped his eyebrows at him and made a suggestive movement with his hand. Was this bartender really dumb enough to think that he was a faggot? If he wanted to be treated like a woman, the man could certainly oblige, but he was certain that Rob wasn’t going to enjoy it the way he expected to.
Michael smiled at the tragically moronic bartender and raised his glass to him before downing the rest. Black magic murder was work, but a pleasure kill of a stranger was just what the man needed after a long day. He didn’t even have to feel guilty about this one since it was a man. His girl couldn’t get upset about this. He was just taking out one more undesirable from the world.
He took his empty glass and headed back over to the bar for a refill. It was so rare that he got really drunk anymore and tonight was as good as any. Murder was thirsty work and he could do it blindfolded at this point. Maybe drunk would be a challenge, but he doubted it.
AARON FOUGHT through the crowd until he was close enough to watch Maeve dance. She moved with the same ancient rhythms, but no longer had her usual enthusiasm. The big bodybuilder stood stoic beside her, clasping her hand. His eyes darted around suspiciously. Maeve’s cheeks flushed and she started making matches, never letting go of the giant hand.
Aaron couldn�
�t stand it any more and pushed his way toward the middle of the room. He was going to talk to her. He had to talk some sense into her.
The giant saw him coming. Maeve didn’t even finish her matches before he scooped her up and carried her off the floor. The crowd opened up to let them through, but did not do the same for Aaron.
He stood helpless and watched them go. His vision was blurred by anger. How dare that man hold Maeve as if she were his own! Even just the momentary glance was enough to reaffirm his commitment to her. Maybe he would call the number. She didn’t look happy. Maybe that big guy was holding her against her will.
THE GUARDIAN had never carried her before. Maeve did not like the feel of his hands on her skin. His magic was never this unfocused. It felt like being held by a live wire everywhere their bodies touched. She noticed the crowd was avoiding his touch, parting to let them through.
She punched his chest with her balled fist once they were outside. “Put me down right now. I did not give you permission to touch me.”
He set her down abruptly, letting go only after she had her balance. “My apologies, Mother.”
“Why the hell do you keep calling me Mother? I’m not a mother and don’t intend to be any time soon.”
“I witnessed your gift to the Maiden Mother at Midwinter. Why would you perform the ritual if you did not intend to conceive?”
Oh, shit. That was an accident. It didn’t count as a votive offering if Marcie asked for it, right? Shit.
He reached out and gently cupped her cheek. “You have made me the happiest on Earth, for you will give birth to the One.”
She slapped his hand away and poked his stomach with her finger. “I won’t warn you again. Don’t touch me without my permission or…or…or you’ll never be allowed to see Her.”
Why had she said that? It didn’t even make any sense. She’d just told him she didn’t intend to conceive and now she was threatening not to allow him access to the One. For whatever reason, it seemed to be working.
“You cannot keep me from the One. I am for Her.”
“If I’m Her mother, I can. You’ll be amazed at the sway a mother has over her daughter. Do not cross me.” She stormed over to their car and got in the driver’s seat. She pushed the ignition button and turned on the heat, but knew it would be some time before she was warm.
She felt bad about getting mad at her Guardian and decided to apologize to him. What was her problem lately?
He got in the passenger side and looked at her, rubbing her arms and breathing into her hands. He seemed smaller somehow, when sitting in the tiny electric car should have made his gargantuan size ridiculous. He threw his cloak open and instantly the air around them was hot. He was radiating. Maybe he was talking crazy because he had a fever. What was her excuse?
“I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’ve got the worst mood swings.”
“It is to be expected when a woman is with child.”
“I’m not pregnant. I told you already.”
He bowed his head, but not fast enough. Maeve caught his smirk. How would he even know anyway? She hadn’t even missed a period yet. Impossible.
“How are you so sure?” If he wanted to act so “know-it-all,” he was going to have to back it up. He looked as if he wasn’t going to say anything, so she pushed. “If you insist on being my permanent Guardian you’re gonna have to be honest with me. I can’t have you smirking secretly like you know something that a doctor couldn’t even know yet.”
“I am your Guardian; there is not a choice. She exists.” He said it plainly, and then closed his eyes. “Her heart does not yet beat, but within you, her cells multiply and already…they call out to me. I will protect her and provide for her.”
“I’m not pregnant.”
“Yes, you are.”
He could be so infuriating sometimes. How could she be expected to keep her cool when he was always being so irritatingly stubborn? She didn’t have a pregnancy test at home. She usually just spent an afternoon with Camilla a couple times a week. The Panacea’s ability removed anything that didn’t belong, be it cancer, pregnancy, or an STD. She’d have to stop by a pharmacy on the way. Until she could prove to the Guardian that she wasn’t pregnant, he wouldn’t let her see Camilla.
Maeve pulled out of the parking lot with jerky movements. “I still don’t want you to touch me without permission.”
“As you wish, Mother.”
Aaron sat alone in his condo staring at the phone and the little white card lying next to it. His home was no longer his own; how could he live here when everything reminded him of Maeve. She’d only been here once but every corner reflected his need for her. He knew they belonged together. Could the man from the bar really force her to see it too?
He was nine-digits-in before he realized he was dialing. He hadn’t been this drunk in several years. Just a few shots had done what used to take a dozen. The room spun if he closed his eyes, so Aaron focused them on the catsuit she had left there on the floor. He had not moved it, convinced she would come back for it. She had left wearing nothing but the coat that the giant had brought when he came to pick her up.
“Good morning, Mr. Wright.”
The voice startled him, but Aaron recovered quickly, “How’d you know it was me?”
“I would love to impress you with a story about magic and prophesy, but it is more simple than that. Caller ID.” The voice paused as if waiting for Aaron, but when he didn’t say anything, it continued. “You made the right choice. I can help you.”
“How, when she won’t even talk to me? She doesn’t answer her phone and that giant baby-daddy of hers won’t let me get anywhere near her.”
After another short silence, the man said, “If there’s any hope, you must get her away from that one. He’s using magic to keep you apart, but I can tell you how to gain influence over her. It will take some work, but if you can get over your hang-ups then you will have Maeve to yourself.”
Aaron imagined that beastly man controlling Maeve and keeping them apart. His anger burned hot with the alcohol fueling it. He demanded, “What do I need to do?”
“I’ll give you the list of items you need to complete the spell. It may take you some time and willpower to gather them, as some of them may be repugnant to your sensibilities.”
Grabbing a pen, he flipped over the business card and said, “Go ahead. I’m ready to take it down.”
“We’re going to make your loved one some jewelry. Let’s start with the easiest item to obtain. You need a ribbon or cloth that could be cut into lengths and tied into a long enough cord to fashion the necklace. It needs to be something she has worn before. The more times the better.”
“Will a corset tie work? She’s worn it against her skin for years.” Maeve had grabbed her corset on her way out but the lacing had been left behind, abandoned when Aaron tore it from her body.
“That’s perfect, Mr. Wright. Then we need a few strands of her hair. It will have to be long enough to tie into a fairly elaborate knot.”
Aaron was sure there were several strands in his bed, maybe even one woven into his chest hair. He’d been finding them nonstop since she was here. “Not a problem. What else?”
“Next is the hardest.” The man took a breath and spoke more gently, as if he didn’t want to alarm Aaron. “You need a small amount of her blood. If that is impossible, the spell will work if you get some from each of her two biological parents.”
Aaron glanced at the knife he had used to slice off her corset. It had been an accident, but he had cut her during that activity. “How much are we talking about?”
“Just a drop will do, but it can’t be menstrual blood and you have to draw it personally for the binding to work.”
“I cut her the last time she was here. If the blood doesn’t have to be fresh, I have that covered.”
Again, the voice was silent for a heartbeat. “I am impressed Mr. Wright. You have the three components most difficult to come by wi
thout her knowing. The other items are household and won’t be difficult to procure. Let’s begin immediately.”
MAEVE SAT alone in the library. Libby and Leonard had gone to bed but they left her some very interesting reading material. Some men of the Family had powers, limited as they were. It was rare, but it was real. Aaron was the rarest and most valuable of men to the organization. He could provide a woman with the power of ten or more lovers. With a man like him, a woman like Maeve could change the world.
Closing the book softly, she whispered to the dark library, “How could the Council do this to me?”
She knew he would answer her inquiry. Now that he thought the One was growing inside her, he never left her side, except to help Camilla clear the black energy. He spoke softly, never leaving the shadows. “They did not know that you would be the Mother to the One. They thought you would be the mother to the relationship that would produce the One. We were certain Aaron Wright was to be the father, but no prophesy ever hinted that a matchmaker would be the Mother. We did not intend to hurt you.”
Maeve noticed that he switched the pronouns from “they” to “we” but all she could think about was the pain. She hurt. If she had known what she did now, Maeve could’ve saved herself a lot of heartache. Aaron didn’t have to be matched to father the One. She could have been with him, had a baby with him, maybe even a life with him.
A whimper squeezed through her tightening throat. The lump growing there couldn’t stop it.