Ishtar Rising Read online

Page 9

Nathalia nodded. She protects us and we protect her. From every side, they could hear the falling of rocks, loosened by the scrabbling of claws and feet of those who answered her blood's call. She wanted them to come to her and they couldn't resist. Go now. I will meet you on the rooftop.

  He dissolved without argument. She wondered about his interest in Christy. Was it about the girl or her ability? Hide from them Eiran. They need to think I am unprotected. Be ready to tabalu when I am finished.

  Eiran may not have wanted to obey but he did. When his camouflage covered him completely, even Nathalia could not find him. She waited high on the plateau in the desert. It was cold. How many were there? How would it feel to have all that prana humming through her?

  She shivered and waited.

  Their monstrous hands came into view first, then their heads and shoulders, until they stood in a ring around her. Their chests heaved with the effort to get to her. Their mouths, filled with stained but razer sharp teeth snapped at her.

  They were hairy and large, swollen with the violence and blood they engorged themselves on every night and their ruddy complexion was visible even in the dim light. Every cell in their bodies called for them to flee the desert where there was so little shelter from the sun that would incinerate them, but she was here. They craved her blood more than anything. She was life itself, they thought.

  They were wrong. She was death. She was salvation. Nathalia rotated slowly, meeting each unredeemable in the eye.

  She spoke, “I am Ereshkigal, Atropos, Beletseri, and Morta. Having broken the promise and feasted on the blood of your brothers, you have lost the ability to control your cells. You are no longer Nephilim, guardians of mankind, but Akhkharu, addicted to violence, and as such you will be the first to die.”

  These were not the words they were expecting. Her charges against them brought many rushing towards her, but a few turned to run. Both strategies were useless. She called each of them by name, binding them and forcing their lifelines to the surface. The silver threads strained to get to her. Ki held the abominations fast as Nathalia sliced through each line.

  Standing still, she savored the collection of prana carrying lifelines. Their threads of life joining the other she'd collected. She knew their previous owners died around her. She did not care. They did not deserve to live.

  The screams of Akhkharu filled the desert as the string tore from the places it was sewn throughout their bodies. As the silver threads of life unstitched themselves, they came unseamed. It looked for a moment that their blood was boiling, but then as skin broke down, rolling rocks could be seen replacing flesh and bones.

  It was over in an instant. As the last prana pulled from them and joined Nathalia's birthmark, their body returned to the elements from which they were made. There was a flash as flame ate the air and then a pile of earth laying in a puddle of water was all that remained. One for each of them.

  Eiran appeared behind her. She knew, rather than saw. He wrapped his strong arms around her and she leaned her head back to rest on his shoulder. Nathalia and Eiran vanished into thin air.


  Oren sent Hurrit to work with Kay. He said he had to prepare, for what he didn't say. Kay tried not to show her disappointment. Hurrit was good company and she was attracted to him but he was no Oren. Oren was an irresistible force of nature. Oren had been in her life even before she was born, by existing on her family land, waiting. Hurrit confused her.

  She liked Hurrit, felt sorry for his solitude, but she needed Oren. Maybe she even loved him. Their bond was easy to recognized now that she'd seen it, as simple as looking out a window to say if it was day or night. She worried that Oren had grown tired of her already and was passing her off to his friend. It wouldn't be the first time it had happened to her. She convinced herself that wasn't the case. She tried to get through the day, knowing that she would see him tonight after work. After work at her second job, at least.

  She served Hurrit his fourth piece, the last, of the blackberry cobbler she'd thrown together before coming to work. The kitchen Oren had remodeled didn't seem to have a stove or oven or anything that got hot so she'd mixed it up there at home and then cooked it in the big oven at the diner. Hurrit was very interested in the whole process and even more amazed when he found that the berries retained their prana even after baking. Apparently that wasn't normally the case.

  He'd said he needed a plate with pie on it the whole time he was here. He didn't say it but she knew that her blood was calling out to him. He had paced himself, only taking bites when he absolutely needed to. This piece only had to last until the end of her shift. About an hour more and he could hide in a corner of Bare A$$ets with his lips clamped shut. With what he'd said about blood and sex being the same, Kay wondered if it would be as easy as that in a place like a strip club.

  Kay saw a brown uniform and hat come through the door and panicked for a second. She wasn't sure what Sheriff Stout would say nor what Oren had done to him yesterday. The tiny man had an even tinier fuse. He said things to her that big city folk would never believe their lawmen were capable of saying to a young girl. Hurrit could speak English and she doubted that he would tolerate much more than Oren had.

  She didn't have to worry. It was just a deputy, not the sheriff. Wayne Rayney was young enough not to have taken part in the raid on her house and her parents arrest. He was young enough to have known her in school, but too old to have dated. He was resistant to the sheriff's influence where Kay was concerned because he never treated her any differently than everyone else. She wasn't so lucky with the other 11 deputies.

  Deputy Rayney strolled right in and, after a quick glance around, plopped down in the last seat at the counter, swiveling so that he faced the door. He put his patrol car laptop on the bar and his hat upside down on that and smiled at Kay. “I hear you baked up some 'a that delicious pie 'a yours. My sources say blackberry even. You know that's my favorite.”

  “I did. Cobbler actually. They're right; it's blackberry. And you know I know that. But...”

  “Oh, no. Don't say it.” He interrupted.

  She didn't even slow down but gave him the 'sorry' face, “I just served the last piece”.

  “Damn. I was out on patrol tha whole day or I woulda come 'n get some sooner. Damn it all to hell.”

  “Better watch your mouth in my place of business, Deputy.” Wayne wasn't talking loud but Mr. Glenn had an ear for profanity. He'd come out of his office to collect the register take. He liked to do his figures before closing up for the weekend and get over to the bank before it closed. What little they took in during the last hour on Friday could sit in the store over the weekend. They were almost dead center of town. Thief would have to be plumb nutso to break in there. He could see the courthouse and jail where he'd end up if he tried it.

  “Sorry Mr. Glenn,” Wayne called out. He leaned in and talked quietly to Kay. “Sheriff was punishin' me cause I wouldn't go out and spy on your new friend...the green haired one with the crazy tattoos.” Hurrit must have heard that last bit. He subtly perked up. “He said Jackie got video on his phone of you, naked, getting carried off by that naked dude. I told him it's none of our business who you decide to shack up with. He tried to play it off like he wasn't mad but right after that he sent me out and kept the rest of the guys in. They were probably out at your house today. Sorry.” He stood to go.

  “I couldn't help but hear your disappointment at missing Ms. Tara Kay's blackberry cobbler and I'd like to offer you mine. She served me the last piece and I don't need it. I haven't even touched it yet.” Hurrit set the plate down in front of Wayne and didn't wait for an answer before returning to his table.

  Wayne looked at it, at Hurrit and then at Kay. She smiled at him. “It's fine. I did just serve it and he's had three already.”

  The deputy laughed, sat back down and dug his fork in. Lifting his first bite high in a kind of salute thank you to Hurrit, he froze for a sec before stuffing it in his face. The vitala just nodded
his 'you're welcome', glad his plan to keep the deputy here and talking had worked, and went back to pretending to read the newspaper.

  Wayne turned his cut right-side up on it's saucer and Kay filled it with coffee. After swallowing his first bite and taking his first sip, he started talking again. “Brady says that video was of you doin' satanic stuff. He says that's how Jack, Ash, and Will got themselves so banged up. You called up demons to attack 'em. Then you went off with the devil into the woods. Says it's on youTube.”

  Kay started to give him her usual speech about how when small minded people see something they don't understand they call it witchcraft but she stopped herself. If this video was out there, Wayne might eventually see it. “It's a movie me and some buddies were making. Ash and the boys are in it but they decided it would be a better effect if they leaked the footage like it was real. You know to work up some buzz about it. I guess they got the sheriff to go along with it.”

  Wayne shoveled the next to last bite in his mouth and then laughed, showing Kay a very purple mouth. He swallowed and washed it down with coffee. “I shoulda known. I heard Austin was a big movie making city.”

  “It is. That's where I met my movie friends.”

  He scrapped his plate clean with the edge of his fork building a bite out of what should have been dish washer fodder. “If the sheriff's not in on it and Ash is pulling his leg, he is going to be in so much trouble. Big city cop came in yesterday and had a meeting with Whitney. I heard it was about you and that guy in that video. Had the boys come into the station too. He's still here so he doesn't think it's a movie. It's going to be a big mess if the capital sent someone down over a prank. Maybe it's time for ol' Rayney to get a promotion. Sheriff Rayney How's that sound to you, Kay?”

  She whispered and planted a kiss on Wayne's cheek. “Sounds a fuck-load better than Sheriff Stout, since you asked.”

  Wayne laughed and looked longingly at his empty plate. Kay thought he might lick it clean. “Delicious as always, Kay. Helluva good way to start the weekend. Making any more?”

  “Yes, sir. Baring all natural disasters, there should be a few in on Monday.”

  “I'll see you for lunch then.” He laid a five on the counter and gathered his stuff.

  “It's a date.”

  He put on his hat and waved over his shoulder on his way out the door. Kay let him get out of view before she went to Hurrit's table. She pretended to be wiping it down as they talked softer than anyone else could hear. “That was some pretty quick thinking.”

  “How the fuck could Oren let them get away with a tape of his rising?”

  “He doesn't know anything about this modern age and all of it's technology. He let the boy's keep their memory of it because he doesn't understand how small the world has become. Information travels at faster than light speed. That is not something he is prepared to deal with.”

  “What the fuck are we going to do?” Oren didn't know that he might be under surveillance right now. He didn't know that the armies of the world could be after him in the blink of an eye.

  Hurrit put his hand on the table so that hers brushed it when she swept the rag past. “Don't worry. We'll stick with the movie story. I'll plant some information online. I've become quite good at cover up since Sarrum Arakiel went to ground. Is there an internet cafe in town?”

  Only the seriousness of the situation kept Kay from laughing at the question. This was Calum. The sheriff's office, courthouse, and the library were the only places with computers within a fifteen mile radius and the one at the library was green screen. “There's one at the club. Crash isn't going to want to let you use it but when we tell him that there's a video out there that shows people for free what he charges them to see, he'll agree.”


  Bare A$$ets was packed, even for a Friday night. Crash had his hands full with drunk locals that thought their fourth generation status gave them the right to act up and claim on the girls. All the quality girls worked on Friday and Saturday night. The week days were a little more iffy. Sunday they were closed, of course. Blue laws were strictly enforced in Calum and the surrounding area. They might have lost the vote to dry the county, but they had the power to restrict when entertainments of 'low moral character' were offered.

  Tara Kay knew she was considered one of those entertainments of low moral character, but she didn't mind. She had never seen the shame in stripping. The easy nudity of the Daughters of Women had only proven there was no disgrace in sexual acts for public consumption. She might not miss their rules and regulations but she did miss their lack of prudishness. She supposed she would go back to them someday but it would be under her own terms.

  Most people in her situation would have walked away from a job like this after what had happened to her, like when someone wins the lottery, but Kay didn't mind working. She saw the position in a somewhat sacred light. She was the modern version of temple prostitutes of Inanna, though her temple had undergone some major changes. It seemed kind of dumb when she really thought about it. She also didn't want to worry Melody again by not showing up. She hadn't wanted to be away from Oren but Hurrit had promised to give her some training while she worked, after he used the office computer to lend credence to her movie story.

  The patrons were more worked up than normal and Kay had received her fair share of gropes. Hurrit was taking care of most of the unruly ones. He was a natural bouncer. His presence was intimidating and soothing at the same time. Crash would probably offer him a job at the end of the night. As the evening progressed Kay needed Hurrit to interfere less and less. He was paying for a lot of dances from her and using the time to teach her ways to use her new abilities.

  She could now see everyone more clearly, not just their bodies but their intentions were clear to her. She could smell how intoxicated each one was and sense the location and arousal of each. She was avoiding those she knew would cause her trouble. As always Melody was attending to each of those, putting herself between Kay and any persona non grata.

  Tara Kay knew when Ashley, Will and Jackie came in, even though her back was to the door. She sighed. They always came in on Friday night so their appearance wasn't shocking. What did stun her about them was the pure malice rolling off of Will and it was directed at her. She expected some anger from Ash, but Will had murder in his heart. She continued her dance for the sedate balding man whose lap she was grinding. When she looked to Hurrit he was already moving to intercept the three. She turned to look.

  Ash still wore his sling but had it hidden under his leather jacket. Will favored his right foot but walked without his crutches. Jackie's eye was as disgusting as yesterday, maybe more so since it was turning yellow. The courage of all three seemed bolstered despite their battered appearance. They walked through the crowd with a sense of entitlement but that wasn't new. The Stouts and Cunninghams owned this town.

  They spoke to Crash and then planted themselves in one of the v.i.p. lounges. Crash gestured to Kay. They had requested her and he expected her to acquiesce. She went to them willingly. She needed to know what they knew about Oren. They looked smug as she drew the curtain closed behind her.

  She stepped up on the tiny raised dance floor, grabbed the pole and started dancing. She saw Will reach into his pocket. “Hands where I can see them. You know the rules.” She continued her dance, spreading her legs wide and sliding down the pole. “What can I do for you gentlemen tonight?” She barely kept the sarcasm out of her voice when calling them gentlemen.

  “I want to see your pink cunt.” Will grunted.

  “Lap dance.” came from Ash.

  She kept dancing. She was already scantily clad. “Either or, boys. Make up your minds.” She wasn't allowed to grind on them fully nude. Law said she could dance nude as close as three feet away.

  “Crash said it was okay.” His voice sounded timid, betraying Jackie's insecurity.

  Kay just shrugged and looked vaguely apologetic. It wasn't going to happen. She didn't care what Crash had sai
d. He was the one who let Ash sell the dancers drugs. They were the behind the scenes reason this club was so successful. Crash wasn't real big on keeping the law to the letter but she wasn't about to give these guys any special treatment. Not anymore.

  Will's showed no such signs. “You'll do what you're told, whore.”

  “As I recall Will, you didn't always think I was a whore. I mean, who proposes to a whore? Oh, didn't he tell you, Ash? After you got arrested it wasn't a week before he tried to take over everything. Your girl, your business, your family, your life.”

  Will had been sincere at the time. He'd said that he thought he and Kay were meant to be together. He'd even called her Special K. He said that god had told him that she was supposed to be his wife. Kay had avoided laughing in his face but only just. She'd told him that maybe god should have mentioned it to her. Will had eased back on his approach then and asked if she would go out with him a few times so he could show her just how right they were together. She knew that Will was all wrong for her. He had an odd intensity about him, like he was trying to be intense. She turned him down flat.

  When he'd kissed her, it was aggressive and unwelcome. She'd slapped him hard, leaving her hand print on his face like an ancient red ochre cave painting. 'You'd rather be with a criminal who whores you out to his friends?! You should hear the way he talks about you. He doesn't love you. He doesn't even like you. He just knows the value of an easy cunt.'

  She'd recognized the truth when she'd heard it. Sure, she'd had some three ways, even four ways with Ash and the boys but she'd been into it. She'd never thought of it as anything to be ashamed of until then. Ash had sold her to those other men. He was her pimp. He'd just forgotten to tell her she was a whore. She'd left that week, off to Austin without telling anyone where she'd gone.

  “He's the reason I left. He's the reason I was gone when you got out. He said he was your friend, Ash, but the way he acted, I wouldn't be surprised if he was just waiting for you to get arrested.” The look on Will's face told her she was getting dangerously close to the truth. She realized something in that moment that she'd never thought of before, something Ash had no inkling of. “Will set you up that night on the interstate. He sent that trooper after you so that he could get to me.”